Feaster's Peach

Hi Hello World!

First Link Clicky! Clicky!

"Once upon a time there was a dumbass learning html code off a random pdf they found online & this bitch didn't know what the ever loving fuck he was doing.
I don't really like the font, I much perfer the font in the index instead of the site, but I haven't figured that out yet"

Experimenting With Images

Experimenting With Lists

Numbered List

  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three
  1. Seven
  2. Eight
  3. Nine

Letter Lists

  1. Lil a
  2. Lil b
  3. Lil c
  1. Lil t
  2. Lil u
  3. Lil v
  4. I tried to make the list start from "t" and onward, but it didn't work, just started counting from one :[

Unordered Lists

Description List

So you can put descriptions right on top of lists
- Easiest was to put in dashes it seems
Don't really hate it, though I might not use it much
- Still need to figure out fonts, like the serif is genuinly bothering me

Nested List

General Experiments

ヾ(≧▽≦*)oThat was meant to be an emoticon again!>:[

This is a heading in a div element

This is some text in a div element.